Future Ready Competencies

At the core of the Find Your Grind is our commitment to making students Future Ready. We track four competencies that introduce relevant outcomes to prepare students for life, no matter what pathway and lifestyle they choose, strengthening future-proofing pathways along with the primary focus on college and career readiness, academic skills, career knowledge, and college knowledge.


Students will demonstrate their understanding of their personal strengths, skills, values, and behaviors through communication and life planning. 

Social Awareness

Students will understand how they fit into the world around them. They will be able to communicate how they relate to other people, groups, and situations with respect to diverse perspectives and feelings of others.

Career Awareness

Students will identify how their skills and talents align with the industries and careers they can be successful in and will be empowered to thrive in the future of work. 

Action Awareness

Students will demonstrate the ability to set actionable steps, explain progress, and will be open to support and feedback while on the path to achieving their goals. 

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